Algebraic Lie Theory and Representation Theory


9:25 Opening
9:30-10:30 Travis Scrimshaw (大阪公立大学) Crystal Invariant Theory
11:00-12:00 武中亮 Ryo Takenaka (大阪公立大学) アフィンリー環のフェルミ型指標公式
13:30-14:30 板東克之 Katsuyuki Bando (東京大学) Geometric Satake equivalence in mixed characteristic and Springer correspondence
15:00-16:00 波多野幸平 Kohei Hatano (北海道大学) Cohomology of conical symplectic resolutions


9:30-10:30 杉本祥馬 Shoma Sugimoto (九州大学) Simplicity of higher rank triplet VOAs
11:00-12:00 淺井聡太 Sota Asai (大阪大学) Non-rigid regions of real Grothendieck groups
13:30-14:30 大谷拓己 Takumi Otani (大阪大学) A Frobenius manifold for l-Kronecker quiver
15:00-16:00 名古屋創 Hajime Nagoya (金沢大学) Special lecture 1: Irregular conformal blocks and Painlevé tau functions


9:30-10:30 中塚成徳 Shigenori Nakatsuka (University of Alberta) Correspondence of hook-type W-superalgebras through relative semi-infinite cohomology functor
11:00-12:00 王起 Qi Wang (Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University) A symmetry of two-term silting quivers
13:30-14:30 小原和馬 Kazuma Ohara (東京大学) On the formal degree conjecture for non-singular supercuspidal representations
15:00-16:00 Eoghan McDowell (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology) Determination of characters by their values on p'-classes


9:30-10:30 金久保有輝 Yuki Kanakubo (筑波大学) An algorithm for Berenstein-Kazhdan decoration functions on classical groups
11:00-12:00 林拓磨 Takuma Hayashi (大阪大学) Sheaves of twisted differential operators over schemes
13:30-14:30 森脇湧登 Yuto Moriwaki (理化学研究所) A method for constructing conformal field theories using quantum groups
15:00-16:00 名古屋創 Hajime Nagoya (金沢大学) Special lecture 2: Irregular conformal blocks and Painlevé tau functions


9:30-10:30 no talk
11:00-12:00 no talk
13:30-14:30 和田堅太郎 Kentaro Wada (信州大学) Schur-Weyl duality for shifted quantum affine algebras and Ariki-Koike algebras
15:00-16:00 中島俊樹 Toshiki Nakashima (上智大学) Crystal structure on localized quantum coordinate rings
