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"Zeros of Airy functiion and relaxation process",

(with Katori, M.)
J. Stat. Phys. 136 (2009) 1177-1204 .

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One-dimensional system of Brownian motions called Dyson's model is the particle system with long-range repulsive forces acting between any pair of particles, where the strength of force is $\beta/2$ times the inverse of particle distance. When $\beta=2$, it is realized as the Brownian motions in one dimension conditioned never to collide with each other. For any initial configuration, it is proved that Dyson's model with $\beta=2$ and $N$ particles, $\X(t)=(X_1(t), \dots, X_N(t)), t \in [0,\infty), 2 \leq N < \infty$, is determinantal in the sense that any multitime correlation function is given by a determinant with a continuous kernel. The Airy function $\Ai(z)$ is an entire function with zeros all located on the negative part of the real axis $\R$. We consider Dyson's model with $\beta=2$ starting from the first $N$ zeros of $\Ai(z)$, $0 > a_1 > \cdots > a_N$, $N \geq 2$. In order to properly control the effect of such initial confinement of particles in the negative region of $\R$, we put the drift term to each Brownian motion, which increases in time as a parabolic function : $Y_j(t)=X_j(t)+t^2/4+\{d_1+\sum_{\ell=1}^{N}(1/a_{\ell})\}t, 1 \leq j \leq N$, where $d_1=\Ai'(0)/\Ai(0)$. We show that, as the $N \to \infty$ limit of $\Y(t)=(Y_1(t), \dots, Y_N(t)), t \in [0, \infty)$, we obtain an infinite particle system, which is the relaxation process from the configuration, in which every zero of $\Ai(z)$ on the negative $\R$ is occupied by one particle, to the stationary state $\mu_{\Ai}$. The stationary state $\mu_{\Ai}$ is the determinantal point process with the Airy kernel, which is spatially inhomogeneous on $\R$ and in which the Tracy-Widom distribution describes the rightmost particle position.