

Microlocal Analysis and Related Topics


田原秀敏 (上智大学)
岡田靖則 (千葉大学)
山根英司 (千葉工業大学)
京都大学・数理解析研究所 115号室

水曜 11:00-11:50 の松澤忠人さんの講演のタイトルの変更.



13:30-14:20 大内忠 (上智大理工)
Asymptotic behaviors of singular homogeneous solutions of some linear partial differential operators in the complex domain
14:30-15:20 B.-W. Schulze (University of Potsdam)
Corner pseudo-differential calculus and iterated asymptotics
15:30-16:10 内田素夫 (阪大理)
Lacunas and singularities of fundamental solutions of hyperbolic differential operators
16:20-17:00 J.E.C. Lope (University of Philippines)
A note on the analytic continuation of solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations


10:00-10:50 A. Kozhevnikov (University of Haifa)
Complete scale of isomorphisms for elliptic pseudodifferential boundary-value problems
11:00-11:50 Th. Krainer (University of Potsdam)
An operator algebra approach to parabolic boundary value problems
13:30-14:20 萬代武史 (大阪電通大工)
Structure of the solutions to Fuchsian systems(with H.Tahara)
14:30-15:20 青木貴史 (近畿大理工), 河合隆裕 (京大数理研), 竹井義次 (京大数理研)
Exact WKB analysis of non-adiabatic transition probabilities for three levels
15:30-16:10 市延邦夫 (名大多元数理)
On kernel function for Borel sum of diveregent solution to a certain non-Kowalevski type equation
16:20-17:00 千葉康生 (東大数理)
Symbolic construction of microlocal solutions for partial differential equations of irregular type by WKB methods


10:00-10:50 O. Liess (University of Bologna)
Applications of the local theory of the Fourier transform for hyperfunctions
11:00-11:50 松澤忠人 (名城大理工)
Gevrey hypoellipticity for Grushin class and FBI-Transformation
13:30-14:20 N.M. Tri (Hanoi Institute of Mathematics)
Gevrey regularity of solutions of semilinear partial differential equations with multiple characteristics
14:30-15:20 滝口孝志 (防衛大)
Non-unique solvability of a Cauchy problem for the wave equation in quasi-analytic ultradistribution category
15:30-16:10 山澤浩司 (カリタス女子短大)
Singular solutions of the Briot-Bouquet type partial differential equations
16:20-17:00 諏訪将範 (上智大理工)
Fourier ultra-hyperfunctions as the boundary values of smooth solutions of heat equations
18:00-20:00 Coference Dinner


10:00-10:50 打越敬祐 (防衛大)
Irregularities for nonlinear hyperbolic equations
11:00-11:50 木下保 (筑波大数学系)
On the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of higher order
13:30-14:20 M. Dreher (筑波大数学系)
The Gevrey well--posedness of Schroedinger type equations
14:30-15:20 多久和英樹 (京大院情報)
Analytic smoothing effects for a class of dispersive equations
15:30-16:10 安富義泰 (東大数理)
Modified elastic wave equations on Riemannian manifolds and Kaehler manifolds
16:20-17:00 由良浩一 (阪大理)
On the Atiyah-Bott-Garding homology class for the boundary value problem for the wave equation


10:00-10:50 田原秀敏 (上智大理工)
Solvability of nonlinear totally characteristic partial differential equations in the complex domain - when resonances occur -
11:00-11:50 吉野正史 (中央大経済)
Fuchsian PDE with applications to normal forms of resonant vector fields
13:30-14:20 片岡清臣 (東大数理)
Boundary values of classical formal symbols of pseudo-differential operators
14:30-15:20 山根英司 (千葉工大)
Fourier-Ehrenpreis integral representation of harmonic functions in four variables
15:30-16:10 杉木雄一 (東大数理)
The dual concept of sheaves and Integral transforms
16:20-17:00 植松洋史 (東大数理)
Vanishing theorems for the sheaf of hyperfunctions and microfunctions with holomorphic parameters