1. 箇条書き項目"On the action of the mapping class group for Riemann surfaces of infinite type" (with Hiroshige Shiga and Masahiko Taniguchi), The Second ISAAC Congress (Fukuoka Institute of Technology), August 1999.

  2. 箇条書き項目"Limit sets and regions of discontinuity of Teichmüller modular groups" (Invited lecture), Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium (University of Connecticut),  October 2001

  3. 箇条書き項目"Modular groups acting on infinite dimensional Teichmüller spaces" (Invited lecture), the satellite conference in complex analysis of ICM 2002 (Kyoto Institute of Technology),  August 2002

  4. 箇条書き項目"Dynamics of quasiconformal mapping class groups acting on asymptotic Teichmüller spacesComplex analysis seminar (City University of New York), November 2004  program

  5. 箇条書き項目"Another approach to the automorphism theorem for Teichmüller spacesComplex analysis seminar (City University of New York), November 2005

  6. 箇条書き項目"The action of pure mapping class groups on Teichmüller spaces" (Invited lecture), Teichmüller theory and moduli problems (Harish-Chandra Research Institute in India), January 2006

  7. 箇条書き項目"Another proof of the automorphism theorem for Teichmüller spaces" (Poster), Analytic Aspects of Low Dimensional Geometry (University of Warwick),  September 2006

  8. 箇条書き項目"Intermediate Teichmüller space: the complex structure and the automorphism group", The 15th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute), July 2007

  9. 箇条書き項目"Teichmüller Space and Moduli Space for Riemann Surfaces of Infinite Type",  Connections for Women: Teichmüller Theory and Kleinian Groups (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California), August 2007  program

  10. 箇条書き項目"Elliptic modular transformations on asymptotic Teichmüller spaces", The 16th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (Dongguk University, Gyeongju, Korea), July 2008

  11. 箇条書き項目" Elliptic modular transformations on the Teichmüller and the asymptotic Teichmüller spaces" Colloquium (Wesleyan University), November 2008  abstract

  12. 箇条書き項目"The Intermediate Teichmüller Spaces" Complex Analysis and Dynamics Seminar (City University of New York), December 2008 abstract

  13. 箇条書き項目"Dynamics of holomorphic self-embeddings of Teichmüller spaces", XXIst Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium (Kyoto University), September 2009  details

  14. 箇条書き項目"Nielsen realization problem for asymptotic Teichmüller modular groups", Workshop on Geometry, Topology and Dynamics of Character Varieties (National University of Singapore), July 2010  details

  15. 箇条書き項目"The fixed point theorem for asymptotic Teichmüller modular groups", the 18th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (University of Macau), August 2010  details

  16. 箇条書き項目"The fixed point theorem and the Nielsen realization problem for asymptotic Teichmüller modular groups" Complex Analysis and Dynamics Seminar (City University of New York), October 29, 2010 abstract

  17. 箇条書き項目"Asymptotic Nielsen realization problem and stable quasiconformal mapping class group" Teichmüller theory (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach), December 1, 2010

  18. 箇条書き項目"Topological characterization of the asymptotically trivial mapping class group" International Conference on Analysis, In Memory of Professor Sheng Gong (Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences), August 17, 2011  details

  19. 箇条書き項目"Periodicity of asymptotic Teichmüller modular transformations", the 19th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (Aster Plaza, Hiroshima), December 12, 2011  details

  20. 箇条書き項目"Periodicity of asymptotic Teichmüller modular transformations", Group Actions and Applications in Geometry, Topology and Analysis (Kunming University of Science and Technology, Yunnan, China), July 29, 2012  details

  21. 箇条書き項目"Fixed point theorems in infinite dimensional Teichmuller spaces", Low-dimensional Geometry and Topology (Tokyo Institute of Technology), September 13, 2012  details

  22. 箇条書き項目"Coherence of limit points in the fiber over the asymptotic Teichmüller space", the 21st International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (Nanjing University, China), June 17, 2013 details